






There’s a scene in the 2004 movie Sideways where a sloppy, depressed Paul Giamatti gulps from the spit bucket at a wine-tasting bar.





That’s probably worse than what International Monetary Fund chief economist Maurice Obstfeld had in mind when he said in October, while presenting the fund’s 2017 outlook, that “taken as a whole, the world economy is moving sideways.”


But there’s a sense among economists and chief executive officers that the developed economies in particular are drifting laterally—if not drunkenly—toward another year of mediocre growth at best.


Describing where the rich countries stand almost a decade after the worst financial blowup since the Great Depression, Obstfeld said: “The crisis has left a cocktail of interacting legacies—high debt overhangs, nonperforming loans on banks’ books, deflationary pressures, low investment, and eroded human capital—that continue to depress potential investment levels.”


あれよりはIMFのチーフ・エコノミスト「Maurice Obstfeld」が10月に語ったことよりマシかもしれない。かれは来年の見通しを発表した時、「全体として、世界経済は横道へそれていく」と言った。




