




When Jeff Bezos donned a bandhgala jacket two years ago and posed for photographs in India, he wasn't just promoting Inc.'s year-old business in the country. The web retailer's chief executive officer was also putting his reputation on the line to break into the emerging e-commerce market.



ネット小売業のCEOはまた、新興Eコマース・マーケットに切り込むという評判を得た。(「putting his reputation on the line」という表現が今ひとつよく分かってないです…)

Now, with 80 million products for sale, 120,000-plus merchants and more than two dozen warehouses, Bezos's protégé Amit Agarwal is aiming to make Amazon the country's top online store by sales ahead of the Diwali shopping season.




Known as the "festival of lights," the run-up to the celebration is India's biggest retail event, when consumers buy everything from clothes and electronics to jewelry and cars.




Indians will spend as much as $1.7 billion online during Diwali this year, according to RedSeer Consulting.

